Thursday, October 4, 2012

Barrack Obama: Black Separatist President of the United States

Lately Barrack Obama is being vetted and exposed as a black race-first separatist for a public which has mostly made up its collective mind long ago. The words in his past, partially undisclosed speeches (see links below) may or may not be inflammatory for a number of Americans for one simple reason. Most Americans really don’t know what it means to be “black (africanamerican)”. Wait!! I know as much as anyone that phrase is a tired cliché’ used by patronizing white liberals politicians, and black race hustlers, as well as many so-called African Americans who have been socialized to falsely believe there is a concrete difference among the races. But in light of the fact that “white guilt”, black patronization, and downright naiveté, gave us the most un-American president since Woodrow Wilson, it is worth saying one last time that the 74% of Americans who are not black or africanamerican don’t know - but need to know, what it means to be black, in terms of socio-political ideology - our future depends upon it. For my part, I hope to provide a peek under the “africanamerican”socio-political tent that explains why Obama’s views are inflammatory, or at the least, not helpful toward knocking down race as a top motivating factor in our society – there are just too many other important things.
First it is important to know that “africanamericans” have been socialized to a great extent to have a “siege mentality”: a shared feeling of victimization and collective defensiveness in the face of institutional and perceived racial power. It doesn’t matter about the reality of the situation on the ground with its legislated equality, affirmative action, and the record number of elected black office-holders, CEOs, and millionaires. The power of personal/family/peer-group culture trumps fact in people with a bunker mentality. For most, an africanamerican family member, friend, or "safe" institution, using fresh memories of Jim Crow (or that memory as passed down), is a stronger determinant of one’s psyche than that of available opportunities. Think about it – how many times, when confronted with the possibility of personal change, have you uttered the words, “That’s the way I was raised”, meaning, "I was taught that way, so I believe that way".
Secondly, you should know what kind of rhetoric it takes to reach africanamericans with that siege mentality. In Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, "2016: Obama's America,” he points out that Obama’s thought process is a post-colonial one; a school of thought that radically opposes western hegemony. De Souza has it only partially right since he recognizes these traits from the undercurrent of post-colonialialism in his native country. As a former black nationalist myself, I pose that Obama is more of the latter than the former. Both ideologies which are similar are contrary to ideals of our founding and anyone who prescribes should never be president of this nation. In a 2002 MLK address, as a state senator, Obama discussed how violence is the means of revolution – a common theme among Alinskyites, and black separatists like Farrakhan, and Malik Zulu Shabazz. He says, “When the rich speak out in favor of non-violence, it’s just a way of making sure “folks don’t take their stuff;” …non-violence “only makes sense if the powerful can be made to recognize themselves in the powerless. This is a rhetorical nod to insurrection and racial unrest. In a 2007 speech in which he clearly praises his pastor, Rev. Wright to ingratiate himself to the larger pastoral crowd on hand, he speaks in the black revolutionary language of “us” and “ours” against “them” in opposition to the establishment in the mode of Farrakhan, Pfleger, Wright, and the New Black Panther party. His speech was sprinkled with the themes of inequality regarding the response to the New Orleans disaster as compared to that of 9/11. No sign in his remarks of the easily fact-checked truths about how extensive the investment made to Katrina by the federal government.
Finally, I think both of these formerly undisclosed videos and Obama’s debate performance on October 3rd, show us why Obama never performs well off-the-cuff, or unscripted – he is too distracted by attempting to hide who he really is! Since we never had a definition for what a community organizer really is, and what one does, we never asked the right questions, and didn’t demand it of the media. Obama, the community organizer turned politician, brings every tool of the trade to elected office, as shown in both of these speeches – both given as a sitting representative for "all of the people" he was elected to be responsible too. A community organizer uses the rhetoric of the community and culture to collectively mobilize that community for change (violent or otherwise). If we had known that definition four years ago, Obama might have been vetted properly to answer why he is motivated to mobilize black people to “what end”, “for which puppet master”, and by “what means”?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Only A New Set of Federalist Papers Can Stop Obama!

The selection of Paul Ryan, the Republican representative from Wisconsin as the Vice-presidential running-mate, is an exhilarating sign. It may signal a new beginning for America, or the death of the republic as we know it. Rep. Ryan (R-Wisconsin), has served as the chairman of the Congressional budget committee during this congress, and has a long history as a realist about what it will take for this economy to survive. Namely, drastic reforms of entitlement spending. Entitlements currently obligate two-thirds of the national budget. The fact that entitlement reform might now be the defining issue of this election jeopardizes the very survival of this nation.  The issue strikes at the very heart of the American electorate, where the aging baby-boomers are also this country’s “likely voters demographic". This means that the Romney/Ryan ticket must be prepared to launch a propaganda campaign not seen since the likes of the Federalist Papers. At least with the Federalists, Madison, Hamilton, and Jay, had the advantage of not having an already prejudiced citizenry and an honest media to report the unexpected rewrite of the U.S. Constitution.  We have a dilemma today; our national conscience changes very slowly – we want our stuff! Especially when “that stuff” has been promised to us as workers, and law abiding citizens who have done everything asked of us. We work our 40 quarters, our 50 weeks per year, and 40 hours during each of those weeks. We expect our piece of the retirement pie as a return on our time and sweat equity. Yes; we want to save this country that we love so much for our children and their children, but “I need to get mine first, and that is that!”

The beauty of our founding is that this thought process is built into the safeguards of our system. Adam Smith based his examination of the wealth of nations - better known as Capitalism, on human nature and tendencies – including, looking out for number one.   He, as did the founders, knew that "the pursuit of (individual) happiness", could work to the benefit and prosperity of the whole society; so he went about designing such an economic system. Tocqueville later observed that a set of long-standing American mores were stronger than its codified law, and in many ways is responsible for how the nation moved forward and developed. In short, our society or people won’t see things differently anytime soon, so leave those entitlements in place - but please address the them!

So this exhilaration I personally feel is obviously mistook for a feeling of impending doom for the Romney/Ryan ticket. Unless of course, Romney, Ryan, their surrogates, and the GOP, can launch a 21st century Federalist Papers-styled campaign over the next 88 days! Romney needs to reach the 55 and older baby-boomer population (107.6 million, or 31 percent of the population by 2030) with the truth about the Ryan reforms –starting NOW, not tomorrow! Although there is already a hint that VP candidate Ryan is declaring himself a purveyor of the Romney plan, and not his own better known, more polarizing plan, the media will never let that be the Romney/Ryan message on its own.  They need to market like mad! 

Of course the upside for the citizenry is, if the GOP ticket pulls it off correctly, a very honest upcoming debate about the economy and a clear choice of political direction that hasn’t been witnessed since Reagan, or attempted in full execution as far back as JFK. Yes in one fell swoop, Romney has a chance to fully engage voters into determining their own informed destiny while saving the country from more idealogical progressive damage. The GOP and Romney must do it through the media by making provocative news, painting contrasts with Obama, challenging Obama publically, and a daring new set of Federalist Papers to inform the not-so-apathetic (on this issue hopefully) electorate. Maybe they can call them, “The Entitlement Papers (hopefully something catchier)?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Romney’s speech ends the age of “africanamerican” self-entitlement

Well “africanamericans” should be quite happy with the latest development in the fabled “Black community”. GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has just in effect, led the GOP in doing as much for the so-called africanamerican community, as any Democrat, Black President has ever done.  Just by showing up, something President “Campaign Mode” won’t dare do in an election year; Romney managed to save the legitimacy of the NAACP from the effects of its own Race-based rhetoric, and de-centralized wacky behavior, for six more months of existence.  Not since George W. Bush’s last appearance did such a prominent person save the organization’s chance to be seen as a legitimate civic organization that promotes education, freedom, and justice for all – not just a rhetorical battering ram for Black Social Justice.  Despite their public admonishments of his administration for everything they could think of, Bush spoke at the convention heroically, while others had declined under similar circumstances.  By inviting Mitt, the convention of “colored people” can now go on to do what they do best – self-congratulate in back-slapping ceremonies to celebrate surviving another year of mediocrity.
As for the speech itself, Romney ran down his agenda as he will do another 400 times during the rest of this political season – nothing real special there.  But what was remarkable, was that in running down that agenda, not once did Mr. Romney tailor the speech, the agenda, the rate, cadence or pitch of the delivery of that speech in order to patronize  the descendents of slaves.  In comparison to other candidates in the same position when coming to the storied NAACP – sometimes hat-in-hand, that wasn’t always the case.  A compassionate George W. Bush empathized with the misfortunes of “africanamericans” during his 2000 address to the Association.  At one point in Bush’s speech he said, “…and I will confront another form of bias: the soft bigotry of low expectations”.  “43” then went on to address some supposed africanamerican-specific sentiments by invoking, Black, 1950s baseball great, Jackie Robinson; Slavery and Lincoln; Jim Crow, the “Littlerock Nine” and the special limitations put upon Blacks in America – unintentional soft bigotry to go there?  Maybe.  To be fair, Mr. Bush’s speech had substance too.  It foreshadowed some of his well-meaning, domestic policies that are now household names, like No Child Left Behind, and widespread homeowner’s loans for the more disadvantaged (using section 8 benefits to pay house notes).  However compassionate his speech, Mr. Bush’s approach would have been better served to treat so-called africanamerican challenges as only sociological American challenges.  To be clear,  trials experienced by Blacks in America, though never forgotten, can’t be an excuse for failing citizenship, particularly with post-civil rights era, set-asides under affirmative action. Any American leader must make this a centerpiece in his or her relationship with the mythical Black Community.
Poor ol’ loser-winner-loser, John McCain’s address to the NAACP, during his 2008 presidential run was fraught with pandering phrases.  Of the 38 minutes it took to deliver it; a full one third of the speech was incessant sucking up to Black misfortune.  After the first 2:00 minutes he was reaching back for Booker T. Washington’s treatment by Whites in America, despite being an advisor of the Roosevelt administration.  At 5:00 minutes it was the institutionally discriminatory obstacles of africanamerican business ownership.  At the halfway mark he was babbling his way through the obligatory Civil Rights mentions of panderers everywhere.
Unsurprisingly, members of the party of Lincoln and Frederick Douglass are not the most egregious offenders of pandering to Blacks; particularly given the history of real civil rights sponsorship since its 1854 inception.  Democrats have used, abused, and then patronized Blacks and the NAACP in their role as community agent.  Hillary Clinton has delivered more than one pathetic speech to the organization during her career.  As candidate in 2007, Clinton couldn’t resist going back to the Pettis Bridge in Selma, Alabama in the early 1960s for inspiration; or to the early Freedom Riders at lunch counters across the segregated south to make a connection. This was still not her worst performance; in her 2006 speech, she painted an image of the Republican led House of Representatives as a slave plantation, for its attempts to save the middle class, while leaving poor helpless Blacks behind.  Clinton has been worse still. As a suburban elite, Wellesley college/Yale Law educated White woman, she has been known to go into Black churches and quote old Negro spirituals using a tortured Black dialect – Yuk!  But I digress; this is about pandering directly to the NAACP, not Democrats’ evil patronization.
Obama himself addressed the NAACP in 2009, on the organization’s Centennial, while we as a country still hoped for a post-racial President who would seal the breach.  You know the rest of that story.  Although there were hopeful moments, what Obama delivered was a speech in a fake Black dialect (only when he wanted to use it) as Biden pointed out sometime earlier in the 2008 campaign. It was filled with what we know now, are fake shared experiences of so-called “Black life” with a strict mother concerned that her child was to be successful, despite the challenges of an unfair society.  By contrast, the 2007 speech he delivered the year before as a U.S. Senator, Obama was auditioning to be President.  In that fiery speech, he talked about Black responsibility in the mode of Dr. King for the three plus minutes he was given.  For those remarks, he received a standing ovation for not patronizing Black people.  The guy who gave that speech was not the Socialist of today, or at least he hid it in that speech.  Interestingly, Obama has not appeared again; sending Michelle in 2010, video-taping a two minute message from the Oval office in 2011, and then sending gaffer-Joe-Biden this week – what joke.
Romney does not fail in the same way as others. What Romney’s delivery says to africanamericans and the NAACP is that your issues are not special, and I am not going to treat you special.  I have a detailed plan to get this wagon back on its wheels, and you are included as Americans not africanamericans – either you climb on board or you don’t,  but there is no special treatment for what you mistakenly view as special africanamerican issues.  Romney’s unspoken, and little noticed attitude is just what this country needs, leadership, but at every level, not just President.  Rather than patronize, Romney hit it out of the park with truths not often considered nor spoken in “mixed” company.  He cited a favorite examination of the Brookings institute:
“… for those who graduate from high school, get a full-time job, and wait until 21 before they marry and then have their first child, the probability of being poor is two percent. And if those factors are absent, the probability of being poor is 76 percent.
Romney quoted statistics:  “Black children are nationally 17% of students, but 42% in the worst-performing schools”.
He didn’t run from his core beliefs or message but put them at the heart of the speech.  He then continued steadily with his five point plan for getting America back on track: “ open up energy, expand trade, cut the growth of government, focus on better educating tomorrow’s workers today, and restore economic freedom – and jobs will come back to America, and wages will rise again.
 Nothing about new entitlements and set-asides for “the poor”, a term used interchangeably with the term, “Black community”.  He only offered what has proven to work – FREE MARKETS and opportunity.  He closed confidently and presidentially with: “…If I am president, job one for me will be creating jobs. I have no hidden agenda. If you want a president who will make things better in the African American community, you are looking at him”.
Romney’s words were so nearly poignant that even Rush Limbaugh got it wrong by positing that Romney was playing to a larger audience outside the convention – he wasn’t!  This was a last call to join a community, a state, and national movement of people who are equally invested.  It was a final chance for africanamericans to buy into an American Agenda with Romney as President for the next generation.  There wasn’t the usual pandering, modulating, and searching for a common frame of reference that comes with “soft bigotry”.  Any individual or group who can’t put pettiness aside and get on board, including the so-called African American community, is a 13% segment of this society which we just don’t need.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


WEDNESDAY - April 4, 2012
Hello once again from the Association Of Angry Gun Owning Fossil Fuel Burning Sons Of Jingoistic Angry Right Wing Conspirators Of West Texas.
Once more a sports governing body has shown their complete disrespect for our country and our history.  I am referring to the NCAA Men's Basketball Championship Game at which our National Anthem was performed by "The Fray" whose lead singer Isaac Slade did a masterful of butchering The Star Spangled Banner.  One must not only wonder about why this Boob Group was selected by the NCAA, but also be a bit curious if this bunch of idiots who comprise "The Fray" actually know how completely stupid they appeared to be.

It is fairly obvious to me that not once single member of "The Fray" has the remotest idea of what an "Anthem" really is.  I know it would be asking a bit much for them to know who Francis Scott Key was or that the original title of of this piece which was originally a poem written by Francis Scott Key on September 14, 1814 and the original title of the poem was was "The Defense Of Fort McHenry".  And these mutts certainly did not know that the Americans began singing the words to this poem to the tune of "The Anacreontic Song" which was an old British drinking song.   I can almost assure you that these bozos were unaware that this song was officially adopted as our National Anthem on March 3, 1931.
And I can pretty much guarantee you all that these clowns had no clue that there were actually four verses to the poem and therefore the Anthem.
But enough about these pitiful vocalists.  One cannot blame them for being complete fools when it comes to respecting our country BUT one can damn sure blame the NCAA for inviting and more than likely paying this bunch of screeching buffoons to turn in a performance so sub par that one cannot assign a number to it.
I did not watch the game as I really didn't have all that much interest in either of the men's teams.  I did, however, watch the Women's NCAA Basketball Championship game which was  won by the Baylor Bears, who for those of you residing in the People's Republic of San Francisco, are located in WACO,  TEXAS.  I did not tune in that game until a few minutes into the game so I would not be at all surprised if the NCAA did not have some other idiotic performer sing The Star Spangled Banner.
Many special interest groups have been screaming "RACIAL  PROFILING" when referring to the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman.  And included in this group is none other than Bill O'Reilly who jumped onto the "Racial Profiling" bandwagon for the first few days anyway.   Then after a little more information came out regarding this incident O'Reilly began to back off the "Profiling" boat and began to criticize some of the other networks who had been doing the exact same thing that he had been doing.   I have come to the conclusion that Bill O'Reilly is damn near as arrogant as the World's Most Articulate and Intelligent Human.
I have been reading comments and listening to callers who are completely in the tank in favor of the "Racial Profiling" which they accuse George Zimmerman of doing on the night of the death of Trayvon Martin.  I have heard some really uninformed jerks trying to make the case that George Zimmerman should have been arrested so that the "CRIMINAL  JUSTICE  SYSTEM"  could begin to operate so that a judge could decide whether or not George Zimmerman was guilty or not.
Every time  I hear one of these fools make those type statements I am overcome by an uncontrollable urge to slap some sense into their miniscule brains..... but then I realize that I cannot slap hare enough to get that job done.
So let me write these thoughts down.
The "CRIMINAL  JUSTICE  SYSTEM" ....... IS  NOT  LIMITED  TO  THE  COURTS  AND  JUDGES!   Actually the first step taken in the Criminal Justice System is the Reporting  and  Investigation  of the reported  crime.  During the investigative process, it is the job of the investigating agencies and the officers assigned to gather facts to:
1)  Determine whether or not a crime has been committed
2)  Determine if evidence exists (Physical and Circumstantial) which would show whether or not a crime had occurred
3)  Gather  the evidence from the scene
4)  Interview witness and possible suspects
5)  Determine if PROBABLE  CAUSE  EXISTS to indicate that a crime has been committed by a particular individual
6)  If PROBABLE  CAUSE  DOES  EXISTS to make an arrest within the parameters of the law.
Many of these doofs who call and write in to these various programs seem to think that an arrest must be made right off the bat in order for the CRIMINAL  JUSTICE  SYSTEM to operate as designed.
One must wonder if these mutts seem to recognize the fact that once an individual is arrested and charged with a crime that they must then post a bond, which costs the person money;    Then they must retain an attorney, which costs money;  Then they must attend perhaps several hearings which takes time and if that person is employed could result in the person losing their job.
In many cases, probable cause  is fairly simple to determine BUT in many cases, particularly homicide cases,  probable cause is not all that evident particularly if there are no eyewitnesses or physical evidence or admissions by the suspect early in the investigation.
So one must wonder how these idiot callers would feel if either they or a member of their family were subjected to a felony arrest PRIOR  TO  PROBABLE  CAUSE  BEING  DEVELOPED?
They seem to have problem understanding that PROBABLE  CAUSE  MUST  BE DEVELOPED PRIOR  TO  PHYSICAL  ARREST.   And believe me when I tell you that a prosecuting attorney representing the District Attorney's Office has the final say on your PROBABLE  CAUSE.   I have seen many people not prosecuted when I felt they should have been simply because the Assistant District Attorney did not believe that there was enough evidence against the suspect to prosecute.  Then in some cases later in the investigation PROBABLE  CAUSE  was developed and an Arrest Warrant was issued.
Ah, but let us not forget that Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson,  Maxine Waters, and some Black Congresswoman from Florida wearing a pink cowgirl hat have come to the conclusion that this particular shooting was a clear cut case of RACIAL  PROFILING.
Let me give you some real examples of RACIAL PROFILING:
1)  The Congressional BLACK  Caucus
2)  The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
3)  The  New BLACK Panther Party
4)   The Miss BLACK  America Pageant
5)  The United NEGRO College Fund
6)   The BLACK  Athlete of the Year Award
Need I go on?
You can't have it both ways............... or maybe in the minds of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson they can.
According to the World's Most Articulate and Intelligent Human it just would not be right for the Supreme Court Justices, who are APPOINTED  FOR  LIFE, to overturn and declare Unconstitutional any legislation which had been passed by a strong  majority in the legislature.
OK.  I'll bite.  Just exactly what is it proper for them to overturn?  And in the mind of this incompetent President,  just exactly what is "A strong majority"?
And as has been pointed out by a host of judicial scholars, this is EXACTLY  WHAT  THE  SUPREME  COURT  HAS  BEEN DOING  FOR OVER  TWO  HUNDRED  YEARS.
I am not even going to bother going into the names and number of  decisions handed out by the Supreme Court which did exactly what Obama said they should not be doing.

I believe that Obama is fearful that his legacy will be damaged, not to mention his re-election chances, should the Supreme Court decide in favor of the American People.

It is beyond obvious to me that Barack Hussein Obama is attempting to influence the Court by intimidating rhetoric to rule in the government's favor on the ObamaCare issue.
I cannot recall during my lifetime when I knew what the Supreme Court was and what the Separation Of Powers was that a sitting President has been in the forefront making comments regarding a pending ruling by the Supreme Court.  I am not saying that it has not happened but I am saying that I do not recall it happening.   Of course there are many things done by this incompetent administration which are a first as far as I can see.
So let me say this in closing...... Let us all concentrate in OVERTURNING the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama at the polls in November.
 Wendy Weidner Bjerke ,Tony Aguilar, Mary Vigil,      Joe & Ruth Lucero,   Ted Salgado -NM  -  Ella Dunlop,   Bill Wigginton,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Cliff Peiser,  Bobby Peiser,  Bob Wallman,  Maria Tupaz,  Bernice Murphy  Col. Ed Miller (USMC,Ret),      Don Faubion,   Judy Langham,     Liz Deguren,  Roger Tucker,   John Gallemore  - TX -  Sr. Delphine Grigas (95) - IL -   Paul & Debby Gula,  Mike Burkebak, Lanelle Kittlestad,  Alan Miller,    Debbie McKeown, Violet  Fermin,  Carlos Fernandez, Hamilton Anderson, Arlene Anderson  - FL -   Irma & L.T. Drennan - OK -   Therese Skaggs,   Lynn Jones - NE -    Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban - MD -   Sharon Fields - AZ -   Susan O'Brien, Kate Powell,  Annise Kennedy,  -  CA -   Keith Chambers - CO -    Meryl Coleman - OR -    Hal Whitmore - DE -   Herb Johnston - NY -    Josip & Lela  Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA -   Alain Smulders - CARACAS,  VENEZUELA   
{GySgt. Daniel West, Rudy Bates, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , 1st Lt. Michael Rice,  1st Lt. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, 2nd Lt. George Zeigler,  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd,  RCT Graydon J. Phillips,  * 2nd LT. Levi English;   SSgt. Eric Harmon - USMC} -  {Kenneth Thomas -USCG}   { SSgt. Eric Grudziecke, A1 Elizabeth & Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, TSgt. Aaron Brown;   SSgt.  Rebecca Goodwin; 1st LT.  Mandie Yates - USAF} -  { Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG} -   {Lt. William Jourdan,  CDR Robert McLay,  Ensign Tommy Brown, Lt. Michael Brown,   LCDR Jeff Palmer - US NAVY} -    {Ethan English, Russell Brown, Tim Supko (USNA '74) - US NAVAL ACADEMY} -   {Bud Barnett - USNA '74} -    (SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES} -   {SSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie,  Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball,  SSgt. Travis McGowan,   Michael B. Hudgens,     Scott Hillyer,   Jeff Schoonover - US ARMY} -  {All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military,    "DARKHORSE" 3RD  BATTALION 5TH  MARINES and their families}  
John Mallory - DEA -   Fr. Joseph M. Peek,  Gary and Cindy Hogman,   Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families. 
"It would be hard to become nostalgic about Richard Nixon, who was forced to resign in disgrace.   But at least you could tell when he was lying.  Obama's lies are just as big but not as visible,  and the media that exposed Nixon is covering for Obama."....... THOMAS  SOWELL
"Socialism, in general, has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."........THOMAS  SOWELL
"Liberty does not make all men perfect nor all society secure.  But it has provided more solid progress and happiness and decency for more people than any other philosophy of government in history."............... HARRY  TRUMAN
"Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them."................ UNKNOWN 
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God.  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK  HENRY
Barack Hussein Obama,  Nancy Pelosi,  Harry Reid,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Maxine Waters,   Barney Frank,   Eddie Bernice Johnson-TX,  Chris Dodd,   Arlen Specter,   AG Eric Holder,  Olympia Snowe - R,   Henry Waxman,   Vice  President Joseph Biden,   Sheila Jackson Lee-TX,   JIMMY  CARTER(he is all capital letters as a varmint President and former President),   George Soros,   Keith Olbermann-CURRENT TV,   Rachel Maddow (MSNBC),   Homeland Security Director  Janet Napolitano,  Former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel,  Ezekiel Emanuel,   Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius,  Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner,  Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsome,  Mayor Anthony Villaraigosa,   Mayor  Edwin Lee (SF),   Governor Jerry Brown,    Bill Richardson,   Chuck Schumer,      Ray Nagin,   Richard Durbin,   John Kerry; Hillary Clinton;  BILL CLINTON ( same as Carter);    Robert Gibbs;   Patrick Leahy;   Bobby Rush;   Colin Powell (RINO);   DOUBLE PHONY SOCIALIST LYING WANNABE  REVERENDS Jesse Jackson and  Al Sharpton,   Richard Lugar -R,   Lindsey Graham - R,   Jay Rockefeller,   Max Baucus,   Susan Estrich,  Al Gore,   Charles Rangel,   John Conyers,   Steny Hoyer,   Al Franken,   Susan Collins -R,   Edward Markey,   Dennis Kucinich,   Alcee Hastings,    Bart Stupak,   David Axelrod,  Hank Johnson,   Cokie Roberts,   Katy Couric,   Markos Zuniga (Dailey KOS),   Whoopi Goldberg (The View),   Joy Behar (The  View),   Bill Maher (HBO),   Michelle Obama,   Governor David Paterson,   Michael Moore,   Danny  Glover,   Sean Penn,   Geraldo Rivera (FOX News),      Mara Liasson (NPR),    Larry King (CNN-Ret.),   Ted Turner,   Oprah  Winfrey,   John Edwards,   Tom Hanks,   Harry Belafonte,  Willie Nelson,  Charlie Crist,  John McCain - R,   ACLU,   United Nations,   ACORN,   CODE  PINK,   LULAC,   LA RAZA,  AARP,   NY TIMES,   LA TIMES,    CHICAGO TRIBUNE,   SEIU,  Southern Poverty Law Center,   MOVEON.ORG,   AMNESTY  INTERNATIONAL,    CAIR,  NOW,   John Testor,   Mayor Michael Bloomberg,   Michael Blumenthal,      Shepard Smith (FOX News),   Bill O'Reilly (FOX News),   EPA,   Center For Biological Diversity,   PETA,     Jane Fonda,   Kanye  West,  Alan Simpson,  Cindy Williams (CB0)-[Thinks our military is OVERPAID],   Charles Barkley,   Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik,   James Clyburn(D-SC),  Ronnie Reagan,  NAACP,  Jeffery Immelt,   Christiane Amanpour,  Charlie Sheen,  NFL,  Sierra Club,  Muslim Brotherhood,   ALF (Animal Liberation Front),   ELF (Earth Liberation Front),  James Clapper,  Planned Parenthood,  Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    Stephen King,  Louis Farrakhan,  Mark Warner & Jim Webb (D-VA-By Request Of VA Patriot),   Debbie Wasserman Schultz (New DNC  Chairperson),   Tim Kaine (Former DNC Chairman),   Gary Ackerman (D-NY-By Request),    Juan Williams (FOX News).. Welcome back Juan,  ESPN  Radio,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   Pete Stark (D-CA),  NFL Player's Union,   Anthony Weiner - NY,   NLRB,  National Mediation Board,  Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke,   Milwaukee Journal,   MEDIA  MATTERS,   CYNTHIA  MCKINNEY,  The Open Society Institute,   Center For American Progress,  Arianna Huffington ,   Alan Colmes FOX News,   HUD,   Jay Carney,   Robert Reich,   Department Of Energy,   Department Of Education,      Morgan Freeman,   Chakka Fattah (D-PA),   Bob Beckel FOX News,   MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council),   UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization),  Assistant  U.S.  Attorney  LANNY  BREUER,   Ellis Henican - FOX News,   Richard Trumka - AFL-CIO,   Jimmy Hoffa Jr. - UAW,   Sen. Patty Murray(D-WA),    Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX),   TIME  MAGAZINE,   Lawrence O'Donnell (MSNBC),   HUFFINGTON  POST,  Jesse Jackson Jr.  (Il),  Laura Richardson (CA),  Former SEN.  John Ensign (R-NV),  Former Clinton Hack Lanny Davis,   Warren Buffett,  Bill Gates,   All of the Obama Czars,  former Governor Haley Barbour,   Leon Panetta,  NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League),   NOW (National Organization for Women),   Chris Rock;   Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg,  Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan,   Andrea Mitchell (MSNBC),   Trent Lott (R-MS-Current Lobbyist),   William Ayers,   Jeremiah Wright,   Gannett Publishers,   Danny Davis (D-IL),   John Boehner (R-House Speaker),   Congressional Black Caucus,   Spike Lee,   Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
On March 28th Earl Scruggs died at the age of 88.  I remember listening to Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs when I was very young on some weekly radio broadcasts.  Earl Scruggs of course was the master of the 5 string banjo.   I still have a number of CDs made from a number of concerts back in his younger years.  I was also fortunate enough to see Flatt and Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Boys live on many occasions back in the 1960s.   I never saw a bad show.
Earlier in the week I was listening to a bunch of wind regarding the Trayvon Martin shooting reporting and the morning news program called in as one of their "EXPERTS" regarding this case a former FOX News broad,  Rita Cosby.  Rita was a nice looking blonde lady who showed her true colors to me during the trial of Michael Jackson.   One day when Jackson was leaving the court house Rita Cosby was standing in the hall hoping for an interview with "The King of Pop" and after Jackson left the building on camera Rita in an absolute giggling dither told the world that "Michael gave me a hug".   At that point in history I decided that Rita Cosby did not warrant my attention at any point in the future.  I don't know what she has been doing since that time, but I'll bet she knows as little about homicide investigation as "The Fray" does about singing our National Anthem.
Earlier in the week in the (Sub) Standard Times there was an article which told us that the Environmental Protection Agency is no longer requiring a gas driller it had accused of contaminating private wells  to provide water to two North Texas families."   A  District Judge  had concluded that residents in Parker County had collaborated with an environmental consultant to falsify video showing how their water -- supposedly contaminated with methane -- could be ignited.
The Texas Railroad Commission, which oversees oil and gas drilling, and Range Resources have long insisted drilling did not cause the water contamination. Range Resources and the Texas Railroad Commission both argued that the aquifer in Parker County  has always been laced with naturally occurring methane. 
The Environmental Protection Agency  is another arm of the federal government who issue rulings on their own which become law without the benefit of going through any legislature.  It is an agency which is almost as useful as the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services.
I don't know if any of you have been getting political telephone solicitations on your cell phones or not.  If not consider yourself lucky.  I doubt if this one particular group will be contacting me anytime in the near future after they caught me at a rather bad moment.
DUMP 'EM ALL ....... Except for Alan West